
The Best Dive Sites in Indonesia

Explore the best of the incredible underwater world of Indonesia when chartering a yacht.

Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world with over 18,000 islands to explore. With countless islands to explore and some of the world’s most brilliant dive sites, Indonesia is a yachting paradise. Whether you choose to explore Komodo or Raja Ampat a plethora underwater mysteries await your discovery.

Do you want to know more about dive sites in Indonesia? We have picked out the best dive sites in Raja Ampat and Komodo.


Raja Ampat offers beautiful underwater scenery. Under the clear waters there are so many fish, coral reefs and other marine biota that live side by side. According to the data, there are 553 species of marine coral, 1,470 species of fish, 8 species of whales and 7 species of dolphins which become the ‘residents’ of Raja Ampat waters. Not only that, divers can also see dugongs, sharks, turtles, mantas as well as other Indonesian endemic animals.


The Fam Islands consist of a number of small islands and 4 larger ‘main’ islands – Fam, Penemu, Inus, and Yar. Marine biologists frequent these islands due to the incredibly healthy flourishing reefs found here so you know there is plenty to see.

A couple of the best dives here are Melissa’s Garden and Penemu Wall. Both are sites teeming with marine life, from wobbegongs and reef sharks to tiny pygmy seahorses, ghost pipefish and nudibranchs of every colour and shape. Penemu Wall is especially well known for its huge gorgonian fans that can grow up to 3 metres across!


The small shallow channel that separates the islands of Waigeo and Gam is known as The Passage. This is perhaps one of the most iconic of Raja Ampat’s many dive sites.

This area has a variety of different seascapes, from mangroves where the light filters through in breathtaking patters, to rocky underwater ridges where macro marine life like to hide away. There is also Citrus Ridge which offers one of the best coral gardens in all of Raja Ampat.

The currents here can be very strong, so this area is only recommended for experienced divers. However, it is also a wonderful location for snorkeling as well. 


Misool Island is one of the largest islands in Indonesia and has so many amazing coral reefs around the island. The coral reefs offers a kaleidoscope of amazing colors and good contrast when diving in this place. The reefs and sloping walls is decorated with soft corals from various species. Species as pipefish, harlequin shrimp and pygmy seahorses can be observed in this water!


You can also feel pleasant sensations when you come diving spots in Tanjung Kri, Raja Ampat. Here you can feel a memorable experience because there are so many fish and coral reefs plus the sun’s rays from the surface of the sea cannot penetrate into the water. You can find various fish and corals such as snapper, tuna, fusilier, sweetlips, butterflyfish and angle fish if diving here.

But not only! Here, you can find carpet sharks or wobegong sharks that usually only be found in Australian waters. With a depth of 10-40 meters and a viewing distance of 10-30 meters, Kri Bay offers beautiful scenery you won’t forget.


Divers looking for mantas usually make this site a priority. This is quite a shallow dive at 18 metres so is appropriate for any skill level. This spot has a variable current and a large concentration of plankton, which attracts the rays. It’s not uncommon to see up to 20 rays stopping by for a tasty snack.


Probably most famous for the giant Komodo Dragons, the Island of Komodo is one of 17,508 islands that make up the Republic of Indonesia. Whether it is the manta rays, whale sharks, sperm whales, turtles, thriving wrecks, or some of the most colourful corals in the world, the Komodo region is a coveted destination by all scuba divers.

Although, in theory, it is possible to dive all year round here, many of the sites are seasonal and can be affected by currents. The weather here is usually wonderful (27-28 °C) but the water temperature can dip below 77°F or 25°C (23°C in south Komodo) so we advise that you bring some extra layers of neoprene or a hood as well as basic swimwear.


This tiny rock island situated in the strait between Tatawa and Komodo islands is one of the most famous dive sites in the Komodo National park, and therefore potentially the world. Divers will jump in on the side protected from the current and descent along the rocky slope covered in brightly coloured corals.


On the northeast side of Komodo Island, you can find a flat channel where Manta rays come here to get cleaned. You can descend and wait on the bottom with coral rubble, till the Mantas or other larger fishes come to hang out with smaller fishes living there. You can also sometimes encounter the eagle rays, turtles, wrasse, or reef sharks. With the depth around 15m and mild current, this is one of the most well-known Komodo dive sites which is suitable for all level of divers. 


This small island has a beautiful fringing reef which is the home to many spectacular reef fish, and the frequent reef mantas which swim back and forth along the reef. The dive site provides protected areas which are suitable for beginners, however around the full moon, the tides cause strong currents. There is a large shallow section of the reef which snorkellers can explore.


This dive site is situated in a protected bay, meaning the currents are close to non-existent and divers of all levels can enjoy this dive. The nature of this dive site means it’s a nursery for many species, and you can enjoy your dive surrounded by baby bumphead parrotfish, napoleon wrasse, and even reef sharks.


The distance from the main islands in Komodo means this dive site is typically only accessible with liveaboards. Pilaarsteen is a pinnacle dive site which is on the east of a small Island just east of Padar Besat. You will be welcomed underwater with a spectacular wall, unique topography featuring caves and swim throughs able to encapsulate divers of any experience.

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